Activate authentic, creative connection
arouse verb: 1. to stir to action or strong response; excite 2. to stimulate sexually. 3. to awaken; wake up
While arousal is most traditionally used in connection to sex, I’d like to explore the possibility that we can nourish arousal throughout our day-to-day lives in such a way that sex is the icing on the cake.
This workshop includes two 60-minute private sessions, scheduled within two weeks prior and two weeks after the workshop. These individual sessions will give us a unique opportunity. For me, it heightens my awareness to your individual intentions, a collaboration that will positively impact the workshop. For you, it’s a chance to integrate more fully the depth of the content, giving you personal experiences to implement what you gained into your real life. If you will be attending the event from out of the area, we can orchestrate your individual sessions through internet counseling, so don’t let geography limit your participation.
Come whether you are in or out of romantic partnership.
the focus for the immersion:
• understand more fully what turns you on
• embrace what role your turn-ons can play in revitalizing your life
• uncover some of your road blocks to authentic connection
• explore how to stay more fully present in your relationship with arousal
• become more confident in asking for what you want in relationship
bring your full sexy self forward in 2018. our world needs you!
Date and time: Sunday, March 4th at 1:00 to 4:00pm
Location: 11139 Weeping Willow Way, Nevada City, CA 95959
Cost: $190 includes:
• two 60 minute individual sessions with Jaime
• one 3 hour workshop facilitated by Jaime .